You are the proud owner of a brand new watch. A perfect little wonder, perched there on your wrist, every glance at it sending another jolt of joy through your body. Do you know the feeling? And then one day it happens. The first scratch! A dastardly door handle makes its assault, the long stone table in your favorite restaurant strikes out at that perfect glistening dome, or you couldn’t abide leaving your new favorite toy in a dark locker at the gym. And so it has happened. The scratch of all scratches now proudly scars a once pristine face. The world around you crumbles.

And yet, after a while a moment of realization follows this traumatic and life altering event. You think to yourself: Is it not in fact a beautiful thing, that the moment of the scratch is branded eternally into your memory? Perhaps that doorknob is the one on the door you held open for the love of your life during your first days of courtship. Or perhaps that stone table is the very one where, surrounded by your loved ones, you celebrated the third birthday of your child. Or, as in my case at a wedding celebration in Sicily, you find yourself in a moment of great exultation, fully clothed, floundering in the hotel pool.

In the end you realize that the scratches are a fundamental part of a greater whole, that silently and without judgement they document the adventurers, the challenges, the successes, and the joys of your life. Every watch thus becomes a highly personal and unique object with a soul of its own, a reminder of the curious but irrefutable perfection of life.

At Herschmann Vintage AG we endeavor to find the perfect wristwatch to match you, in our sincere hope that this special companion will share with you many memorable and “scratchworthy” moments.

Yours in trust,

Jannes Sieber Theler

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